But more data and more users also means more opportunities for cybercriminals and hackers to swoop in and swipe valuable information, sometimes without individuals or businesses being aware of the situation for weeks or months after it happens. There is a lack of regulation in the use of personal data in Brazil, with privacy and data protection both seen more as loose concepts than actual established standards. What can cyber-criminals do with your information and what can you do to keep yourself safe when using the Internet in Brazil?

What Cyber-Criminals Want With Your Data

Whether you use the Internet solely to email friends or you run your own business online, cyber-criminals are interested in hacking your system and stealing your data. Here’s a partial list of what cyber-criminals can do with the following pieces of your information:

Name & Address: File fake tax returns, transfer money illegally, apply for loans and credit cards. Email Address: Access your online attacks, expose you to spam and unwanted marketing; target you with ransomware and phishing attacks. Phone number: Attempt phone scams and send you spam and unwanted marketing.

State of Brazilian Cyber Security

The biggest present problem for Brazil’s cyberspace is organized crime. Just like shakedowns and protection payments from years gone by, Brazil’s’ crime organizations now use malware attacks, ransomware and phishing to extract money and information from companies and individuals.

How to Stay Safe Online in Brazil

There are basic tenets that every online user should have in place when going online in Brazil. The simplest two of these are a virus scanner and a firewall. A virus scanner checks on every part of your computer on a regularly-scheduled basis, usually once a day, to ensure that all the files on your computer are there for legitimate purposes. Both firewalls and anti-virus software have their limitations as new versions of malware and spyware are reduced by the millions every day.

The VPN Solution

A great compliment to firewalls and anti-virus software is to employ a Virtual Private Network (VPN) when you go online for any purpose. A VPN give you the highest level of security available, especially when you using a public Wifi connection. As you request pages, data, and downloads, they are sent to the third-party server. The server encrypts the data and sends it back through your encrypted “tunnel” to your machine. Once there, the VPN client decrypts the data and makes it viewable at your end.

1. ExpressVPN

One of the best VPNs when it comes to bypassing geo-blcoks, ExpressVPN which is based in the British Virgin Island, has servers in 90 countries and offers a 30-day no questions asked money-back guarantee.

2. IPVanish

IPVanish has 256-bit AES encryption for safeguarding data and more than 1,000 servers to choose from across 60 countries.