Why did Indonesia install the ban? What is the country’s history with Internet censorship? And most importantly, what’s the best way to access giphy.com if you’re a resident of Indonesia or plan on travelling there for work or recreation? This article will answer all of those questions.

What is Giphy?

Giphy was founded by a pair of entrepreneurs in 2013 with the idea of capitalizing on the rise of purely visual communication.

Indonesia’s Internet Censorship

Indonesia has practiced Internet censorship for more than a decade, largely based on the country’s Islamic teachings which frown on things such as pornography, drug and alcohol use, and gambling. In one fell swoop in 2018, the country blocked Reddit, Vimeo, and Funny or Die for posting pornographic content. That may sound off, but consider that Indonesia considers basic nudity as pornography and it makes more sense.

Using VPNs to Access Giphy in Indonesia

Short of leaving the country every time you want to search for a funny GIF, the only way to successfully and safely access Giphy while in Indonesia is to use a virtual private network (VPN). It works by creating a secure, encrypted connection between your device and a remote server located outside the country you’re located in. This connection is like a tunnel through which your data requests and downloads pass. Your ISP provider or government overseer can tell that you are online but cannot see what you are searching for or what pages you are viewing. Most quality VPNs are equipped with additional security features to protect you in case the connection drops.

1. NordVPN

2. ExpressVPN

If speed is your deciding factor, take a look at ExpressVPN, which routinely boasts the fastest speeds among the largest commercial VPNs, ensuring great upload and download times. Try Now Risk Free

3. PrivateVPN