Ask yourself this –  What is the one type of web site that you don’t want to have all of your personal information?  Additionally, if someone sees that you have CyberGhost (for example) on your phone, they probably won’t think much about it. But if you have a VPNhub app, with the same logo as the porn site – you may end up a little embarrassed.

VPNhub Isn’t Even the Best VPN for Watching Porn!

At first glance, VPNhub seems to be a decent option. They offer a free VPN with unlimited speeds and bandwidth that can be used across all the major platforms. In cases like this we always ask, what’s the catch? For starters, VPNhub’s free version is extremely limited. There is only one location that you can connect to, and that is located in New York. This can be a real problem if you aren’t close to NY or if the server gets overburdened with users. This can lead to buffering and slow loading videos and we don’t have to tell you how frustrating that can be when getting ready to watch PornHub. Privacy and anonymity are important features when logging into a porn site, and VPNhub can’t guarantee that you will remain anonymous. In fact, if you read their privacy policy they do share some of your information with non affiliated 3rd parties for “advertising, marketing or research purposes”. VPNhub is located in the US, one of the Five Eyes countries, and therefore even though they say they don’t keep logs, they will be compelled to share whatever data they have should the NSA or other government agencies come knocking on their doors. Another feature that is sorely lacking from the free version is a desktop version for both Windows and Mac. Yes, I see it listed on the image above, but if you read the tiny print you’ll see that in order to get a desktop version you will need to purchase the premium package. It was only when we tried downloading the desktop version that we found out it wasn’t really available for all users, so we were stuck watching porn on our phone instead of enjoying on the much bigger laptop screen. We took a break from watching porn long enough to try and watch Netflix and we found that it was pretty hit or miss. At times, it did work and we were able to stream US Netflix, while other times it didn’t work. There didn’t seem to be a rhyme or reason, as to when it did or didn’t work. It also does not work in many countries that have strong online censorship like China, Cuba, and the UAE. Finally, if you want to try out the premium version, there is a, sort of, free 7 day trial. However, if you decide to purchase the premium package after the free trial ends, that first month will cost an extra few dollars, to pay for what was advertised as a free trial. Do you trust a company that will nickel and dime you like that?

You Need a VPN to Save on VPNhub

Interestingly enough, there is no price on the VPNhub website for the Premium Plan, it can only be purchased through the Google Play or iTunes. After a little digging we discovered that this is because the price will change based on your location.

Why Would you Spend More Money on an Inferior Product

Taking a look at the US prices, you would be paying more than a dollar a month for VPNhub than you would for CyberGhost. These are two reputable companies that have proven to protect your data and guarantee your privacy – even when you’re watching porn.

1. CyberGhost

CyberGhost has shown drastic improvements in recent months and is definitely trending upwards. You will be invisible like a ghost online, you see everything, but nothing can see you. That is the kind of privacy people want with a VPN, especially while watching porn. They have over 2,200 servers worldwide that allow for P2P, streaming, and browsing all at high speeds and with strong encryption with 256-bit AES and OpenVPN, making the perfect team. CyberGhost is located in Romania, outside of the 5/9/14 Eyes, so you won’t have to worry about the government coming for your information. Not that CyberGhost keeps any logs to hand over, but it’s still good to be under the jurisdiction of a pro-privacy country. Try Now Risk Free With all this being said, we can’t think of one reason to get the VPNhub app for your phone. In terms of security, speed, and pricing it can’t compete with CyberGhost